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Hitech Institution Pvt Ltd is a NEBOSH E-Learning Partner with LP#1365, a Safety Training, Audit and Consultancy Organization that provides Quality Safety Training in Thrissur, Guruvayur, and Kochi. HTIPL is supported by a highly qualified and experienced team with exceptional Safety educational backgrounds and expertise from Oil field, Construction, Engineering, Marine, etc.

Safety at the workplace is an essential factor every worker and workplace demands, hence increasing the demand for an experienced and well qualified Safety Officer. An experienced safety officer is the one trained effectively in safety and has relevant working experience in the field enabling the respective management to assure a safe and protected working environment. An employee has the right to work in a safe working environment. Every industry comes by default safety risks and hence it is the foremost duty of an employer to think and accomplish safety precautions needed in their company for workforce safety.

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  • July 27, 2024 8:40 am local time

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